Архів категорії ‘“English-Speakers’ Corner”’

Ukraine after the Elections: President Poroshenko’s challenges

Sergiy Gerasymchuk and Olexia Basarab commenting on the elections in Ukraine for CEPI Both the rational and irrational motivations of voters led to Petro Poroshenko’s triumphant victory in the Ukrainian presidential elections. The rational motivation was that Ukraine desperately needed a fully operational commander-in-chief. The sooner Ukrainians elected a president, the sooner an effective antiterrorist [...]

Ukraine and Romania: New Challenges and New Opportunities

Strategic and Security Studies Group is happy to present the output of the project Ukraine and Romania after Parliamentary Elections 2012: New Challenges and New Opportunities for the Development of Relations available in Ukrainian, Romanian and English languages

Is the EU just a hostage in USA-Russia fight?

Comments of experts on relations within EU-USA-Russia triangle for aktuality.sk including the comment of Sergiy Gerasymchuk (in Slovak) Aktuality.sk zisťovali, či EÚ nie je v prípade Ukrajiny len rukojemníkom v zápase medzi Ruskom a USA v ich boji o vplyv vo svete. Prinášame názory expertov z Ruska, Ukrajiny, Moldavska a Arménska na vyhrotenú situáciu v susednej [...]

The Ukrainian presidential elections: An equation with three variables

Sergiy Gerasymchuk and Olexia Basarab commenting on forthcoming elections in Ukraine for CEPI While the presidential elections in Ukraine are planned for May 25, the names of the leading candidates were known in advance. They are Petro Poroshenko and Yulia Tymoshenko. This situation would not  be unusual, if not for the third variable: the possibility [...]

Governance and Sustainability: the Black Sea

Governance and Sustainability: the Black Sea edited by Dr. Melanie Sully, contains contributions from experts from EU and Black Sea countries including the article by Sergiy Gerasymchuk who examines the potential for instability in the Republic of Moldova.

Appeal of Strategic and Security Studies Group to Its Partners

Strategic and Security Studies Group is addressing its partners from Eastern, Central, Northern and Western Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, Australia and Northern America, Japan. We call to you to assist in spreading among your political parties and delivering to your respective governments the message regarding the necessity to provide international support to Ukraine in fair [...]

Ukraine and Romania after Parliamentary Elections 2012

“Ukraine and Romania after Parliamentary Elections 2012″ roundtable was recently organized in Bucharest by Asociaţia Pro Democraţia in partnership with  Strategic and Security Studies Group and with the kind assistance of Black Sea Trust and SNSPA. The event is part of the Project «Ukraine and Romania after Parliamentary Elections 2012: New Challenges and New Opportunities for the [...]

Competition of Geopolitical Interests in the Post-Soviet Space: Future Prospects for the EaP Countries

On September 23-25 in Chisinau (Moldova) there were meetings of the experts of project “Competition of Geopolitical Interests in the Post-Soviet Space: Future Prospects for the EaP Countries” (the Project was supported by East-East: Partnership Beyond Borders Program of Soros Moldova) with the high ranking Moldovan policy and decision-makers supplemented by study visit to Gagauz [...]

Kyiv Between the European and Eurasian Unions: The Impact of Brussels and Moscow on Ukrainian Domestic Affairs

On September 12-13 our representatives participated at the International Conference “Kyiv Between the European and Eurasian Unions: The Impact of Brussels and Moscow on Ukrainian Domestic Affairs”. The International Programs Director Mr. Sergiy Gerasymchuk had a presentation on Ukraine-Romania relations.

Ukraine and Romania: New Challenges and New Opportunities for the Development of Relations

Strategic and Security Studies Group is delighted to inform about launcing the Project Ukraine and Romania after Parliamentary Elections 2012: New Challenges and New Opportunities for the Development of Relations